St. Bernard was a 12th century French Catholic.
This is his list to identify pride:
I. Curiosity, when a man allows His sight and other senses to stray after things which do not concern him.
II. An unbalanced state of mind, showing itself in talk unseasonably joyous and sad.
III. Silly merriment, exhibited in too frequent laughter.
IV. Conceit, expressed in much talking.
V. Eccentricity attaching exaggerated importance to one's own conduct.
VI. Self-assertion holding oneself to be more pious than others.
VII. Presumption readiness to undertake anything.
VIII. Defence of wrong-doing.
IX. Unreal confession detected when severe penance is imposed.
X. Rebellion against the rules and the brethren.
XI. Liberty to sin.
XII. Habitual transgression.
The two last named downward steps cannot be taken inside the cloister. The first six denote disregard for the brethren, the four following disrespect for authority, the two that remain contempt for God.
Let’s get these qualities out of ourselves. And stay away from people who demonstrate them as a pattern and way of life (not just an occasional mistake, which we all make….)